
We educate an internordic PhD, who works both at MTT and at KU Life/DTU Chemical Engineering with selection of Nordic material of barley and oilseed rape under multifactor stress and development of molecular tools.

The PhD project explores how future climate change scenarios will affect production and fungal disease severity in selected model crops, e.g. barley; the results will be used by collaborators for modeling the sustainability of the future crop production. Part of the PhD will be devoted to the study of if and how plants can adapt to fast abiotic and biotic stress; this analysis will be performed using molecular tools e.g. SNP-based association mapping, gene expression profiling and physiological measurements.

We also have several other PhD, master and bachelor students working in the network, but new projects and training are offered. If you are interested in an educational project as bachelor, master or PhD, please contact Rikke Bagger Jørgensen.

NordForsk PhD

Network coordinator